Lazy Magnolia Brewery – Timber Beast

Timber Beast is Lazy Magnolia Brewery’s first beer in the “Back Porch Series”.  “Beast” is a Rye Pale Ale, and with a 9% ABV, it’s clear that the Lazy Magnolia Brewery is taking advantage of Senate Bill 2878 (a Mississippi state law approving sales of beer with higher ABV).

“TB” poured a dark golden color, with a billowy, off-white head that would leave heavy lacing on the side of the glass as the beer subsided.  Its spicy aroma was mixed with hints of Zythos hops, pine and citrus.  The aroma, combined with bubbles from the carbonation make the palate experience of this beer exceptional.

The taste of Timber Beast was certainly full bodied with a hoppy quality that lingered on the back of your tongue.  In fact, oftentimes when sampling these higher ABV brews, they have a tendency to overwhelm you with the overt taste of alcohol.  Lazy Magnolia’s use of Zythos hops helped to hide the increased alcohol volume and give the brew a solid hoppy finish.

Whether you’re sitting on the back porch, or washing down some boiled crawfish on a Saturday afternoon, “Timber Beast” will suit your need.

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